Attendance Policy (Eng)
H.v. Helbing Attendance Policy
Students must be in their classroom by 7:50 am. After 7:50 am, they will be marked Tardy. The first bell rings at 7:45.
A student will be marked absent if they are not physically present in class at the time of attendance.
If a student is late due to having an early Dr. Appointment, please make sure that you send the student with a Dr note so that we may excuse and change the student’s attendance.
If a student is absent, we will need a note to excuse the absence. The note can be from a parent/guardian or a doctor. Parents, you have 5 school days after a student returns from being absent to turn in a note so that it may be excused. After the 5 school days, the excuse is no longer valid. We will only excuse 2 days in a row with a parent note, if a student is out longer than 2 days in a row, we will need a Dr. Note. Excuse notes can be turned in to the teacher or the front office.
Communication is key. If your student should be out longer than 2 days, please let your student’s teacher know as soon as possible. The teacher will then inform the office. It is still important that we have a physical note for your child’s absences.
Early Dismissals
If a student needs to be taken out early, the earliest a student can be taken out is 10 am and the latest is 2:30 pm. If a student has an appointment, we ask that you turn in a Dr. note to excuse their early dismissal.
When getting early dismissals, parents or guardians, make sure that you have your I.D. ready. For safety reasons, we only let students go with those on their emergency card.