Lunch and Conference Periods
Parents see the times your student's class has lunch time.
If you are bringing lunch to them, we ask that you drop lunch off 10 mins before their time to give office staff time to let teacher or students know.
Conferences times are also posted so that you may know what time is best to contact and set up a time to meet with your student's teacher. Reminder to set up an appointment with your student's teacher.
*Times may change when special events happen.
Padres a lado pueden encontrar el horario de lonche/almuerzo. Si van a dejar lonche les pedimos que tragan la comida 10 minutos antes para que salgan su estudiante al lonche.
También pueden encontrar los horarios de conferencia para los maestros. Recordatorio que hable con el maestro/a de su estudiante para hacer una cita.
* Horarios pueden cambian si hay eventos especiales.